Well there is the first 4 letter F word I am sure I do not need to explain. Then there are a few others like fever. Well today it is FLU. Luckily, our home has stayed flu free. However, it seems the flu season is pretty bad this year so we all need to get our flu shots. So that is what is on the agenda recently.
Shots, shots, shots, shots... Everybody!
Sounds fun right?
Not really, but hopefully it saves a life in this house and at the very least weeks off school due to the flu.
I know many of you may think, what's the big deal? It is just the flu. Let me explain. The flu can be a miserable experience for a "healthy" child. It can even be deadly 18 kids have died so far from the flu already, I think I don't wanna take those chances.
For a kid with cancer when our kid gets the flu it = fever. Fever = automatic admit to the hospital usually, sometimes if counts are high enough they will let you go home. However, illnesses can knock their counts down pretty fast so it usually means an admit until they climb a bit. Since our kids have no immune system it also means it takes them even longer to beat it. It won't just be a couple days off school, it could be weeks. Last year RSV meant a month off school for my kiddo.
What does this mean??? If you are sick or think you are stay home! If you think you can't afford your sick days imagine those that may work with you that may have an immune compromised person at home. That couple sick days could mean way more than that for them. Wash your hands, cover your cough/sneeze, use sanitizer.. and all and all just use common sense to keep those around you safe.
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